To submit your articles for publication, please email our managing editor. Before submitting, please ensure you’ve read the article guidelines below.

Article Guidelines

MadTech Magazine is dedicated to maintaining an authoritative, but conversational, voice. When we evaluate prospective articles for publication, we are seeking forward-thinking content or content with a topical relevance from the marketing, advertising and technology sector.


In general, articles must 1) be relevant to our audience 2) include substantial supporting evidence and 3) be written in a neutral, educational tone that does not promote the author’s company, products or services. More specifically:

  • We strongly encourage the use of first person with good examples to “tell a story.” Use active voice to make your article more conversational. In other words, instead of saying, “It is believed,” say, “I believe” or “industry experts believe.”
  • Articles should include supporting evidence such as industry research or examples of how an organisation has succeeded in the steps you advocate. Unless you make it clear that an example is hypothetical, it must be true, but company names may be kept confidential if necessary.
  • Do not “pitch” your business, products or services in your article. The author bio can include brief information about you and your firm, including a link back to your website.
  • You should cite your sources including research statistics and quotes, including those that were not made directly to you, including as much information as possible: the date, author name, publication and article name. Work this information into the body of your article, and include a link to online sources.
  • Most articles are approximately 750-1,000 words long. However, the length depends on the scope of the topic and depth of content. We can run articles up to 2,000 words if appropriate.

Proposal, Approval and Submission Process

If you’re interested in submitting an article, please send your pitch via email to the managing editor. Include the following information within the body of the email.

  • Your name, title and company name
  • Proposed topic and working title for your article
  • Summary of main messages

You’ll get a response from the managing editor with comments or questions about your proposal. If accepted, the next step will be to submit a draft for review. The editor will provide feedback on any changes needed to meet MadTech Magazine’s standards. Please allow time for feedback and rewriting. Most articles require a couple of edit cycles.

If the author approves the final edits, we assume that all necessary approvals from others (e.g. sources quoted) have been secured by the author. MadTech Magazine does not submit to third-party approval.

Basic MadTech Magazine Style Notes

Please follow these conventions when writing your article:

  • Use British English spelling and punctuation
  • Uppercase company names (unless the company does not capitalize its name)
  • Don’t hyphenate “email”
  • Use percent signs only in tables; otherwise spell out percent
  • Place commas and periods inside quotes.
  • Write article and book titles as well as magazine and newspaper names in upper case
  • Spell out numbers under 10, except in percentages and currency.